Bowen Resue Response

2015 ~ November 7th & 8th

2016~ February 27th & 28th

Email Debi directly at to receive details and fees.

Have this incredible life changing therapy at your fingertips!

This hands-on workshop is designed for animal caregivers and is a prerequisite for future workshops.

An excellent workshop for every dog lover

 and an essential tool for those who work in RESCUE.


This is a 2 day ~ 10 hour course


The Rescue Response Technique is created for the purpose of providing an understanding of Animal Bowen.

Rescue Response teaches 5 specific “Moves” for you to apply in a safe, gentle,compassionate way.

Take this skill and use it with confidence with your dogs.

These five Moves will give you the tools to make significant changes

 in the mobility and emotional health of your dog and all the dogs that you have the priviledge of teaming up with.

The 10 hours are specifically designed to give a solid understanding of Animal Bowen

 while providing a great deal of  time for hands- on learning.

You will have the option to bring your dog

 (3 will be invited to each session).

This way you will have the opportunity to work with your dog as well as with others: this experience extends the learning process as you begin to “see” and “feel” other dogs conformations.

 The Rescue Response Technique will be your “go to” therapy whenever your dog is in need. ...and the best part is...all you need is at your fingertips!



From Jennie, a recent Rescue Response workshop student

 I just have to share! Zephyr(German Shepherd) lifted his left leg to pee! He has not been able to do that since May. His right leg was too weak so he had started squatting. I reread my observations from the first time I practiced Bowen on him. I had forgotten that he couldn't sit anymore. That he had trouble getting up from a down position. He really has improved so much!!
In my last email I told you that my client was taking his dog to the Chiropractor as well as me doing the Bowen. Today he told me that he was cancelling the chiropractor appointments. He was very happy with his dogs' progress. He even thought that his dog was better now, then before he was diagnosed with Cancer!
I know amazing things do happen but I think I will always be in awe!!
Thank you for sharing!

 The first 5 hours

  • What is Bowen for Dogs?
  • How does it work?
  • How can it help my dog?
  • How to use your eyes to access your dogs mobility issues
  • How to use your hands to access your dogs mobility issues
  • The importance of a gentle approach
  • The importance of a gentle touch
  • The first Bowen for Dogs "move" ~ the power of one!
  • The second Bowen for Dogs "move"
  • The third Bowen for Dogs "move"
  • Home assignment

 The second 5 hours

  • Review lessons from previous day
  • Question and answer period
  • Home assignment discussion
  • The forth Bowen for Dogs "Move"
  • The fifth Bowen for Dogs "Move"
  • Putting all 5 "moves" together
  • Various ways to use these 5 "Moves"
  • One on One assessment

 A certificate of completion will be given after the 10 hour workshop.

 I wanted to express my gratitude for the wonderful 'Rescue Response' class. You teach with such ease and heart. The experience was enlightening !

I continue to regularly 'balance' my two 'boys', as well as reach out into my own community and one in Toronto where I volunteer. What a wonderful apprenticeship it is -- landmarking different animals feels like an archeological dig for some spines:)

Trusting the timing of all this, I eagerly await news about the next level.
It is an honour and joy to share this path with you.
All the best,



I took Martindale ( diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis) & Madelyn on a road trip to visit a friend at her retirement residence. Well Martindale's breathing became quite labored when we first arrived - not sure if it was the walk through the snow to get there or just the pure excitement of the visit. Anyways, she was laying with her head up high( her way of coping with her laboured breathing) so I proceeeded to Bowen her. Just a few minutes & she settled right down. WOW! Thank you from both of us!

 Ruth, Martindale & Madelyn

Marcie (Senior Yellow Lab.) has had a good week. She actually seems a tad more participatory. No sit down "strikes" on walks, keeping better pace with us, a tad speedier to get up.... 2 of our dog walking friends have commented on this. I fear to mention these things as do not want to jinx us!!!
She had Bowen with you tonight and nothing since. Will do the 5 "moves" tomorrow after our outings.
I am so thankful I had the opportunity to experience Bowen from you. Your expertise and encouragement allows me to think I can try to assist my pets. Maybe even a friend's dog....